Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014: A Year of Zelda

Ok, so I'm fudging it a little. At the beginning of December '13, I reacquainted myself with a childhood and young-adulthood love, The Legend of Zelda series. I fell out with the series around about the time I fell out with Nintendo in general. When the Wii was released, I was coming out of my biggest Nintendo fanboy phase, and Twilight Princess on that console was, I think, what made me lose interest in that console and the series for such a long time. The motion controls felt, and were, tacked on at the last minute by Nintendo, and after a particularly annoying few hours of trying to get through the tutorial, I finally gave up when the game wanted me to do (I think) a spin attack in wolf form. I could not do it, I flailed about my living room with that awful remote for what must have been 45 minutes, trying every possible motion with the controller to get my wolf to do it consistently. I can't remember what exactly the criteria were, but if I remember right, you were required to keep things away from you while spin-attacking, and had to do it several times in succession, while surrounded by darkness. I made several attempts to do this and failing many time, I finally gave up on it. This wasn't the event that made me give up on the Wii altogether, but it certainly made me question whether the little white box was all it was made out to be.

Eventually, I bought an Xbox, and for the next 5-6 years, that was exclusively my console. I still kept my Wii, and on occasion I did play it, but no new games came out that made me want to return to it for anything longer than the odd play-session. I got rid of most of the games for the system, but not the console itself, because I had invested quite a bit of money in the Virtual Console service and I didn't want to lose all those games. One thing I did keep was my DS Lite, and for those years, it was my primary window into the world of Nintendo and thus Zelda. I loved Phantom Hourglass but Spirit Tracks I found to be quite tedious, getting bored shortly after the tutorial and not really going back to it.

In the last 2 years or so, I've found myself with less time for gaming, and taking my free time to catch up on movies and TV shows. However, since September or so, I've found a reason to go back to my Wii, namely, playing Mario Kart Wii with my girlfriend, and Xenoblade Chronicles, a game I started way back in early 2012 before moving to the Uk, and decided to give a go of again. It drew me in so much so that when I moved back to Ireland, the Wii again became the primary console underneath my telly. During this move, I unearthed my GBA SP with the 3 Gameboy Zelda titles (neither of the GBA ones unfortunately though,) and my copies of Wind Waker and the Zelda Collectors Edition promo disk. I popped the collector's edition disc in my Wii, and on a whim, began to play Zelda 2: Link's Adventure, this somehow kickstarted a renewed interest in the series. Somehow, this gave me the notion that I should endeavour to play ALL the Zelda games in the next year. Then I began to think about writing short posts on this endeavour, if only to give myself an outlet to post my thoughts on these games and get back into writing and thinking about games again. This post really serves as small context to anyone who may happen across these posts, and to give myself a much needed kick in the arse to actually play the games and then write about them. It also gives me a non-important goal for the year.

I suspect I won't be able to play EVERY game in the series, Four Swords in particular, unless I can get some of my old college gaming buddies together for an afternoon to dust off our GBAs and play through it, and for games that have been remade, I wont bother with them unless the difference is significant enough that I decide I would like to do it. I also don't have a 3DS or WiiU right now, so as much as I would love to, I can't yet play ALBW or WWH, hopefully I may be able to get one or more of these consoles before year's end and play at least one of those games. These also won't be Let's play type posts, or even a play by play account of each game, it will just be short posts on my experiences with the games and my opinions, ill formed as they may be, on each game.

Anyway, enough of my prattling... on to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link!

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